The first thing you should know about incontinence is that it happens to a lot of people, and it’s not your fault.
The second thing you should know is that there are ways to deal with it—and even prevent it from happening in the first place. If you’re having trouble with incontinence, we want to help!
So, what exactly is incontinence? It’s when your bladder leaks urine involuntarily. This can range from an occasional accident to leakage every time you laugh or sneeze. It’s most common in people who have had surgery on their bladder or urinary tract. But it can also be caused by childbirth, aging, and neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease. Incontinence can happen to anyone at any age, but it’s common after the age of 40.
Here are some tips for dealing with incontinence:
- Check with your doctor if you think you might have a problem. It could be something else entirely.
- Keep track of how often you go to the bathroom and how much urine each time contains. If there are changes in this pattern, call your doctor immediately.
- Use adult diapers or pads during activities where accidents could happen.
If you’re looking for a care home in Plano, Texas, that can help you or your family member manage their incontinence, AFFECTIONATE RESIDENTIAL CARE LLC is here to help.
We provide supportive personal care for residents suffering from different types of incontinence.
We deliver personalized care in Garland, Texas, that incorporates holistic treatment plans to help our residents live life to the fullest.
As a provider of residential care in Texas, we understand that every patient is different, and we want to make sure they are comfortable while they are in our care.
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